Wonder Medical City


A comprehensive colossal private medical city with a humanitarian face embedded in a sound corporate social responsibility

The Wonder Medical City is a comprehensive colossal private medical city envisaged in the Airport City of Accra under the flagship of the Non-Governmental Organization, The Cosmopolitan Aid Foundation. The phase 1 of our proposed medical city will have a smart quaternary international teaching and referral hospital of 200 beds with a comprehensive range of medical specialties, diagnostic services and a well-stocked pharmacy and an apart-hotel. Following this phase are a multi-disciplinary medical education facility, a world-class research center and a modern pharmaceutical plant, a Medical Mall, a Neuroscience Center of Excellence and a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) school are to follow in concurrent/subsequent successive phases. We will also have retail and commercial facilities including which we contemplate an entertainment park for the family. This medical complex has a humanitarian face embedded in a sound corporate social responsibility. This will permit a more efficient medical attention to patients. It will not only save cost but also it will save thousands of the lives of both nationals and foreigners who die because they suffer from emergency conditions whose treatment is unavailable in the country at the moment.

General Principles

Sustainable progress, peace, and justice require that all organisations contribute to the common good.

Policy Document

Sustainable progress, peace, and justice require that all organisations contribute to the common good

Code of Conduct

We are committed to the highest standard of business ethics and integrity, and requires honesty

Founder's Address

Dr. Emmanuel Yao Voado, MD., a Neurosurgeon, is the Founder of Wonder Medical City

Our Mission

To provide quality healthcare that will make a difference by improving the health of the people of Ghana and the world at large.

Our Vision

To be the world's preferred place for healthcare delivery.

Our Objectives

To reduce the loss of life of patients including that of foreigners in cases of emergency conditions which at the moment do not have treatment within the borders of Ghana.